6 Best Fishes For Diabetics (With Recipes)

We know that fish is among the healthiest foods, even for diabetics.

But which types of fish are the best?

The best fishes for people with diabetes are salmon, anchovies, tilapia, sardines, trout, and mackerel. They can be enjoyed freely with many delicious recipes that won’t increase your blood sugar level!

So, if you want to know more about these fishes and the recipes, read on.

1. Salmon

Salmon is one of the best types of fish for people with diabetes. It has loads of nutrients and proteins that are good for you and not many calories.

It also has many omega-3 fatty acids, which can help lower your risk of heart problems.

Salmon has less saturated fat than beef or bacon, so you don’t need to feel guilty about eating it! Wild-caught salmon has even more omega-3s than farm-raised fish, so it’s great to include in your diet if you have diabetes.

Here are must-try salmon dishes to try:

1. Grilled Salmon with Sweet-and-Sour Glaze: This flavorful dish is great for diabetics looking to add a little zing to their meals. The glaze is made with low-sugar options like pineapple juice and honey, making it an excellent source of fish protein without carbs.

Plus, the omega-3 fatty acids found in salmon have been linked to improved blood sugar control and lower levels of inflammation.

2. Salmon Burgers with Cucumber Yogurt Sauce: Not into the traditional burger buns? Try this delicious salmon burger instead! It uses fresh salmon cooked in olive oil for extra health benefits and is served on top of a bed of lettuce or spinach leaves instead of a bun.

To top it off, you can make a creamy cucumber yogurt sauce that’s both light and refreshing while providing plenty of protein and healthy fats from the salmon.

3. Teriyaki Baked Salmon & Spinach: This easy yet wholesome meal features freshly baked salmon fillets smothered in a delicious teriyaki sauce, served over sautéed spinach for added fiber content.

The added benefit here is the reduced amount of fat found in baked or poached seafood dishes — which makes them ideal for individuals managing diabetes.

4. Mediterranean-Style Salmon Salad: Perfect for lunch or dinner, this salad pairs fresh ingredients like tomatoes, olives, feta cheese, and lemon juice with grilled wild-caught salmon fillets for a flavor-packed meal rich in vitamins and minerals.

The high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids found in salmon also provide anti-inflammatory benefits that can help improve blood sugar levels in those with diabetes.

5. Seared Citrus & Ginger Salmon: A simple combination of orange juice, lime juice, and grated ginger packs this seared wild-caught salmon dish with plenty of flavors — without going overboard on calories or unhealthy fats that are typically found in fried or sugary foods.

A side dish of brown rice adds a dose of complex carbohydrates that will help keep your blood sugar levels balanced throughout the day.

2. Anchovies

Anchovies are excellent fish to eat if you have diabetes. They are highly nutritious and full of protein, vitamins, and minerals. Not only are they an excellent source of B-12 vitamins and calcium, but they also contain omega-3 fatty acids, which can help to improve cardiovascular health.

Moreover, anchovies are surprisingly low in calories yet fill you up due to their high protein content.

In addition, studies have shown that anchovies may have anticancer properties due to their powerful antioxidants. All these health benefits make anchovies a great addition to any healthy diet.

If you’re looking to incorporate anchovies into your diet, try these dishes for starters:

1. Grilled Anchovy Skewers with Lemon-Herb Sauce: These delicious grilled anchovies come on a skewer, making them perfect finger food. Plus, the lemon-herb sauce adds complexity and flavor to the dish without any additional unhealthy fats or sugars.

Adding herbs, such as oregano, rosemary, and thyme, also provides extra antioxidants to help regulate blood sugar levels.

2. Anchovy Toast with Ricotta Cheese: This simple yet tasty dish features freshly toasted bread topped with ricotta cheese and anchovies to boost protein and healthy fats. It’s a great way to start the day for those managing diabetes — plus, it only takes minutes to prepare!

3. Anchovy Linguine with Olive Oil and Garlic: This classic Italian-style dish is made with white wine, garlic, and olive oil, which helps to keep the calories low while enhancing the flavor. Anchovies are added just before serving for a burst of proteins that will fill you up without spiking your blood sugar levels too much.

4. Caesar Salads with White Anchovy Dressing: A traditional Caesar salad usually calls for anchovies in the dressing, but why not take things a step further by adding more whole anchovies to your salad?

The combination of creamy homemade sauce and fresh fish provides plenty of omega-3 fatty acids and other nutrients that can help control diabetes symptoms over time.

5. Mediterranean Baked Fish Fillets: This easy one-pan dinner uses whitefish fillets (such as halibut or cod) baked in a herby tomato sauce, pitted olives, and capers — plus plenty of chopped anchovies!

Enjoy this meal alongside brown rice or quinoa for an extra dose of complex carbohydrates that won’t spike your blood sugar levels too quickly.

3. Tilapia

Tilapia is an excellent fish for people with diabetes because it is low in fat and calories. You can cook it in many ways, like grilling, frying, blackening, or poaching.

It also has a mild taste that you can make even tastier by marinating or adding spices. Eating tilapia helps you make healthy meals without gaining too much weight!

Here are some tilapia recipes to try:

1. Grilled Tilapia with Mango Salsa: This delicious and healthy dish is perfect for diabetics looking to check their blood sugar levels.

The tilapia is grilled to perfection and topped with a refreshing mango salsa, which gives it a tropical flavor. The mango salsa also boosts antioxidants and vitamins, while the low-fat fish provides protein without added saturated fats.

2. Baked Tilapia with Roasted Red Pepper Sauce: This colorful dish features lightly seasoned tilapia fillets baked until flaky and served with a creamy roasted red pepper sauce.

This meal provides plenty of flavors and textures and is low in fat, calories, and sodium — making it diabetes-friendly!

3. Tilapia Tacos with Lime Crema: These light tacos feature freshly made soft tortillas filled with spicy tilapia chunks, pico de gallo, cilantro, and other fresh veggies. Top it off with a creamy lime crema for dressing for added creaminess.

The combination of fresh produce and lean proteins makes this meal an excellent choice for diabetics looking to keep their blood sugar levels on track throughout the day.

4. Pan Fried Tilapia Pilaf: This hearty pilaf combines fiber-rich brown rice, zucchini, and freshly cooked tilapia fillets — providing plenty of protein without overloading on unhealthy fats or carbs that can spike blood sugar levels too quickly.

Adding herbs like rosemary and thyme adds extra antioxidants to help regulate diabetes symptoms over time.

5. Asian-Style Steamed Fish: Instead of deep frying or pan frying your tilapia fillets, why not steam them? This Asian-style steamed fish recipe serves up juicy tilapia filets coated in a flavorful soy-ginger sauce — plus additional veggies like snow peas, carrots, and mushrooms for an extra dose of nutrition without spiking your blood sugar levels too much.

Serve alongside brown rice for an additional source of complex carbohydrates that will keep you satiated until your next meal!

4. Sardines

Sardines are unique fish that are very healthy for diabetics. They have many vitamins and minerals that help your bones stay strong and help reduce inflammation.

Eating sardines can also help your digestion and make you feel better. They taste perfect too!

Try some of these recipes:

1. Grilled Sardines with Garlic and Parsley: This classic dish will tantalize taste buds with its delicious combination of garlic, parsley, and sardines.

The sardines provide a healthy dose of omega-3 fatty acids to regulate blood sugar levels, while the fresh herbs give an additional boost of essential antioxidants. Enjoy this meal alongside a side salad or quinoa for extra fiber!

2. Roasted Sardines with Olives and Tomatoes: This Mediterranean-style dish features lightly seasoned sardines roasted in olive oil and ripe tomatoes and olives.

Not only is this meal packed with flavors, but it’s also rich in essential vitamins and minerals that help keep your diabetes symptoms under control. Serve it over polenta or your favorite whole grain for an extra dose of complex carbohydrates without spiking blood sugar levels too quickly.

3. Asian-Style Stir Fry with Sardines: This easy one-pan meal features freshly cooked sardines stir-fried with colorful vegetables like carrots, bell peppers, and snow peas — plus plenty of ginger, garlic, and herbs for extra flavor!

The fish provides an excellent source of lean protein to stabilize your blood sugar levels throughout the day. At the same time, all the vegetables deliver an added boost of nutrients like vitamin C and beta carotene that can help manage diabetes symptoms over time.

5. Trout

Few types of fish offer as nutrient-dense a meal as trout. Those who deal with diabetes can reap many benefits from this fish, as it contains few carbohydrates, boasts low amounts of fat, and is packed with beneficial omega-3 fatty acids.

Trout provides excellent sources of lean protein and dietary fiber, making it a perfect choice for people who need to manage their weight alongside their diabetes carefully. Eating trout can also reduce inflammation levels, which may help minimize further complications caused by diabetes.

So include some delicious yet nutritious trout in your diet for maximum health payoff!

If you’re looking to eat trout, try these recipes:

1. Baked Trout with Zucchini and Herbs: This delicious dish pairs fresh trout filets with zucchini, herbs, and spices for a flavor-filled meal that won’t spike your blood sugar levels.

The omega-3 fatty acids in the trout are great for reducing inflammation and regulating blood sugar levels, while the fiber-rich zucchini and herbs add extra antioxidants to help manage diabetes symptoms over time.

Serve this meal alongside a side of quinoa or brown rice for an extra dose of complex carbs that will keep you satisfied until your next meal!

2. Broiled Trout with Lemon and Dill: Whip up this simple yet tasty recipe with broiled trout filets coated in freshly squeezed lemon juice and dill for a quick yet healthy weeknight dinner.

The omega-3 fatty acids in the fish help reduce inflammation, while the lemon and dill add extra flavor — plus essential vitamins like vitamin C and beta carotene — to regulate diabetes symptoms over time.

Enjoy this dish alongside a salad or roasted vegetables for an added dose of nutrition without spiking your blood sugar levels too quickly!

3. Teriyaki Trout: Try this teriyaki trout dish if you want something sweet but still healthy!

Freshly cooked trout filets are coated in a flavorful teriyaki sauce, making it both savory and slightly sweet without any added sugar — plus plenty of heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids to regulate blood sugar levels naturally.

Enjoy this meal with steamed broccoli or asparagus for an extra fiber boost without spiking your blood sugar too quickly!

6. Mackerel

Mackerel is an excellent source of potassium and other essential nutrients. It also contains omega-3 fatty acids, which help reduce the risk of heart disease and other ailments.

Besides these impressive benefits, mackerel offers a delicious flavor that lends itself well to baking, grilling, or in soup.

When cooked properly, its flaky flesh is succulent and flavorful. Eating mackerel regularly is an ideal way to get your daily recommended dose of potassium while spicing up your meals with a unique flavor.

1. Grilled Mackerel with Vegetables: Diabetics can enjoy the benefits of mackerel without worrying about spiking their blood sugar levels by grilling the fish and serving it with a side of colorful vegetables. The omega-3 fatty acids in mackerel are great for reducing inflammation.

At the same time, all vegetables provide a boost of vitamins like vitamin C and beta carotene that can help manage diabetes symptoms over time.

2. Baked Mackerel with Ginger and Garlic: Baking mackerel is an excellent way to ensure that it doesn’t lose its flavor or texture and retains all its beneficial nutrients.

This recipe combines mackerel with ginger, garlic, and herbs for extra flavor — plus plenty of omega-3 fatty acids to reduce inflammation and regulate blood sugar levels naturally.

Serve this dish alongside steamed broccoli or asparagus to get an extra dose of fiber without spiking your blood sugar too quickly!

3. Mackerel Stew: Mackerel stew is a great way to enjoy this fish without worrying about quickly spiking your blood sugar levels.

Plus, mackerel are packed with essential vitamins and minerals like potassium, which help regulate electrolytes in your body — perfect for those who need to manage their diabetes symptoms carefully over time.

Enjoy this nutritious yet delicious stew with some fresh crusty bread on the side for an added dose of carbohydrates without too much risk!


We all know that fishes are healthy food, especially for diabetics. But among the many types of fish available, there are great ones for people with diabetes.

We hope you try these mouth-watering dishes since they’re healthy and delicious!

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